1. Check for open topics. Before posting a new topic, please check to see if there is already a topic open on the subject.
2. Ignore bothersome members.
3. Report posts that violate the rules and guidelines. We will act on the report as quickly as we can. Do not reply to the offending post as that typically only encourages the poster.
4. Use good judgment.
5. Welcome new members.
6. Use descriptive titles for new posts. Avoid "generic" post subjects like "Help" or "Question". You will receive a better response to your posts by being more descriptive about the content of your post.
7. Post well, and post often. Try to respond to any posts you find yourself having a relevant and useful response to.
8. Ask for help if you need it. The private message system is a perfect tool for contacting a moderator without displaying your issue for all to see.
9. Keep an open mind to all questions, comments, and any other posts as you may find yourself posting in a similar way. Give other members a chance to explain themselves if you do not understand their post before passing judgment.
10. Have fun!