Hey guys i was thinking how about we get all our guys on to fbg? get them going and making CSS a little more intresting for them. If ud like i can Start it up? We can create a FBG forum section and add a stciky for a general instruction like this one I made....(FOR EXAMPLE)...
If u are not registered to Final Battle Ground..ur MISSING out!
♦ Kill to Kill (Stat Collection)
♦ Awards and Medals earned
♦ Collecting Plinks
♦ Advancing Ranks
..these are just some of the things you are missing out on.
FBG gives you more of a reason to play CSS...and pushes you to thrive to newer heights in ur fragging!
click on the following link to get directed to fbg.com
http://www.finalbattleground.com/ Once your registered to FBG, you will need to create a profile do so..after your profile is complete come here to the FBG forums and we can get you up on our fbg clan.