To All,
We have updated our server rules, to make it easy for you to better understand, and know how our servers operate.
* We do NOT allow Hacking/Walling/Aimbot/Whatever Cheats Available -
* We do NOT tolerate racism! (Hate Speech, Religion, Ethnicity, etc.)
* Respect all Members, And Admins! (Do Not start an argument. If you have an issue with someone, please post it on our "Reports" section. We take action!
* Abuse toward any person, is absolutely NOT tolerated! (If you're caught making a threat, we will report to the authorities, if necessary.)
* Do NOT camp spawn, past 1:30!
* No porn sprays allowed in any NF servers.
* Try to avoid foul language in the servers. ( We try to keep the servers as clean as possible.)
* Do NOT contact an Admin about why you've got banned. That will make matters worse! Instead, please use our "Court System" (If you would like to negotiate, argue, etc.. about a report filed against you.)
These rules are open to change, at anytime. Please re-read them from time to time.